I’m Dr Clare Gee and I began my career as a research scientist, investigating human impacts on the natural world. I have also worked as an environmental journalist and as a lecturer for the Open University. After I stepped out of academia to spend more time with my family, I discovered mindfulness practice and the transformation it can bring to everyday life.
I have experienced the devastating effects of Chronic Fatigue/M.E. twice in my life. The first time was after my Masters degree, when I had to leave my job after struggling to work through a year of fatigue. I recovered slowly over two years with the help of daily yoga and a change of lifestyle. The second occurrence came with the addition of fibromyalgia many years later, after a series of very stressful events and illness. I got progressively worse for 3 years until I needed to spend much of each day in bed. I was determined to understand the condition and to recover completely as there is so much I want to do with my life. I discovered the Gupta Program and was intrigued by its scientific basis and an explanation that really fitted my experience. I noticed a small but significant difference in how ill I felt within a short time, which really helped me commit to the programme, and I recovered most of my normal functioning within 6 months. I gave myself another 6 months to really build back up to strength before embarking on extensive training in NLP, psychotherapy and positive psychology in order to coach others towards recovery.
I continue to train in this fascinating area of human development and continually add to my skills as a coach, therapist and mindfulness teacher.
In my spare time I love to grow flowers and veg in my small Pennine garden, walk anywhere there are hills, get involved in community activities and I also paint…